Games2Jolly - Replace The Damaged Device is a point and click escape game from games2jolly family. It's a small weather forecasting lab located in a rural area. It's monsoon season there and it's heavily raining since that morning. The Forecast Antenna has been struck by lighting and was damaged. Find its replacement and switch it with the damaged antenna since without that the lab technician cannot know the weather forecast. Good luck...
Games2Jolly - Ganti Device Rusak adalah titik dan klik permainan melarikan diri dari keluarga games2jolly. Ini sebuah laboratorium prakiraan cuaca kecil yang terletak di daerah pedesaan. Ini musim hujan di sana dan itu sangat hujan sejak pagi itu. Forecast Antena telah dipukul oleh pencahayaan dan rusak. Cari pengganti dan beralih dengan antena yang rusak karena tanpa bahwa teknisi laboratorium tidak dapat mengetahui ramalan cuaca. Semoga berhasil...
Games2Jolly - Replace The Damaged Device is a point and click escape game from games2jolly family. It's a small weather forecasting lab located in a rural area. It's monsoon season there and it's heavily raining since that morning. The Forecast Antenna has been struck by lighting and was damaged. Find its replacement and switch it with the damaged antenna since without that the lab technician cannot know the weather forecast. Good luck...